Vietnam is a marginal performer (“D”) under the VACI, on par with Turkey and Mexico. The country has moderate dependence on animal production, below average animal product consumption, and inadequate animal welfare legislation.
Want to compare Vietnam’s 2020 VACI performance?
Download the 2017 VACI Report for Vietnam here.
Producing cruelty
Rank 12
The Vietnam livestock sector is undergoing a major transformation from small-scale to increasingly intensive production and processing. The country slaughters around 6.5 land-based animals per person per year, compared with a global average of 10.1. Its dependence on farmed animals is slightly above average, with around 4.5 farmed animals per person, versus a global average of 4.1. Factory farming has become prominent with pigs, chickens and other farmed birds.
Consuming cruelty
Rank 10
The average diet is close to the world average, with around 33% of the diet consisting of land-based animal protein, compared with a global average of 35.2%. Each person consumes around 26.5g of land-based animal protein per day, versus a global average of 27.2g. The share of vegetarians in Vietnam is 10%, compared to a world average of 8%.
Sanctioning cruelty
Rank 45
Vietnam is rated as a very poor performer (“F”) under the Animal Protection Index (API), and its farmed animal protection legislation achieved the worst performance rating (“G”) under the same index. Recently introduced farmed animal welfare legislation is not aligned with international standards, limited in scope, and focused almost exclusively on productivity and human health issues. Learn more about the quality of Vietnam’s legislative protections on the API here.