Argentina is a very poor performer (“F”) under the VACI. The country has high levels of animal consumption, relies heavily on farmed animal production and fails to provide adequate protection for farmed animals under the law.
Want to compare Argentina’s 2020 VACI performance?
Download the 2017 VACI Report for Argentina here.
Producing cruelty
Rank 36
Argentina slaughters on average around 17 land-based animals per person per year, compared to the global average of 10.1. Argentinian cows are traditionally grass-fed, but the trend now points towards intensification, with about 70-80% of cows now reared in intensive feed-lots prior to slaughter. Factory farming of pigs, chickens and other farmed birds is expanding.
Consuming cruelty
Rank 48
Argentina is among the largest meat consuming countries in the world, with around 63% of the average diet made up of land-based animal protein, versus a global average of 35.2%. Vegetarians or vegans account for 7-12% of the population.
Sanctioning cruelty
Rank 32
Argentina is rated as a poor performer ("E") under the Animal Protection Index (API), and its farmed animal protection legislation achieved a very poor performance rating ("F") under the same index. Argentina is yet to ban cruel forms of confinement in factory farming under the law. Learn more about the quality of Argentina's legislative protections of the API here.