Indonesia is a marginal performer (“D”) under the VACI, on par with Turkey. Although it is a relatively low consumer of animal products, the country is a major livestock producer with a high dependence on farmed animal production and poor animal protection legislation.
Want to compare Indonesia’s 2020 VACI performance?
Download the 2017 VACI Report for Indonesia here.
Producing cruelty
Rank 21
Indonesia’s livestock economy is growing rapidly. The country currently slaughters around 11.4 land-based animals per person per year, compared to. a global average of 10.1. Indonesia’s dependence on farmed animals is high, with around 9.4 farmed animals per person, versus a global average of 4.1. Around 99% of animals slaughtered in Indonesia are chickens and other farmed birds, the production of which is increasingly intensified.
Sanctioning cruelty
Rank 35
India is rated as a poor performer (“E”) under the Animal Protection Index (API), and its farmed animal protection legislation achieved a very poor performance (“F”) rating under the same index. This is partly due to the fact that Indonesian farmed animal welfare laws are largely focused on maintaining public health and animal productivity, rather than preventing animal suffering. Learn more about the quality of Indonesia’s legislative protections on the API here.